Once submitted we will be in touch within 1-2 business days to offer you an appointment~
If you have any questions
email us at hello@projectmindset.com.au
call us on 08 7160 3598
We look forward to working with you!
Input the Address that the person is known to spend majority of their time.
Please input the Address or Location you spend the majority of your time
Please note that these are preferences, while we will try our best to accomodate, there may be cases we are unable to.
Project Mindset's operating hours are from Monday to Friday between 0900 - 1700 (9am to 5pm) ACST
Project Mindset are proud to also support clients in Rural and Remote South Australia!
Let us know where you are requesting services.
There are stairs to attend the Project Mindset Office, if the client or any others expected to be present are unable to traverse stairs, please reach out to confirm alternative options.
Project Mindset hold Telehealth Appointments via Zoom - if you have another preferred format please choose 'Other' to advise.
Stable internet connection is required, it is not ideal to have Video Call Appointment/s on a mobile device, please ensure there is an appropriate device readily available for appointment organisation.
There must be at least 1 emergency contact
Please referrer to our Privacy Policy found on www.Projectmindset.com.au/PrivacyPolicy for all information regarding how we handle your information
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ABN: 25 644 321 684